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How Do Crested Geckos Sleep? 3 Important Places

One of the most popular lizards that come in different morphs and colours is crested geckos. They are not popular just because of their cute tiny looks and because they are not suitable for anyone as a beginner pet. Crested geckos are sometimes also popularly known as eyelash geckos. I am pretty sure that many …

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Are Crested Geckos Good Pets? 5 Reasons Why?

There was a time when crested geckos were thought to be extinct, but a couple of decades ago, they were found and kept as pets. Nowadays, crested geckos are among the most popular pet lizards and reptiles you can have in this world. But do crested geckos make good pets? This article will answer an exciting …

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What Fruits Can Crested Geckos Eat? 13 Safe Fruits

There are almost more than 1500 species of geckos on this planet, among which crested geckos are one of the most popular to be kept as pets. It is essential to provide your crested gecko with an extreme diet with a correct balance of nutrients, protein and other resources. Before we know What Fruits Can …

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What Vegetables Can Crested Geckos Eat? 11 Safe Vegies

Some species of geckos, like leopard geckos, can have a limited range of food, whereas crested geckos can be fed varieties of vegetables and fruits mixed in the diet. But, this raises an interesting question: can Crested Geckos eat vegetables? if yes, What vegetables can crested geckos eat Although they can be fed some veggies, …

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What Can Crested Geckos Eat? 7 Safe Foods+ 3 Tips

Before we get any new pets, it’s essential to learn what the dietary requirements are. In the case of crested geckos, it’s vital to know what they can eat. This is why I am going to answer a fascinating question: what can crested geckos eat.  This article will tell you how much do crested geckos …

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Do Crested Geckos Change Colors? 6 Reasons Why?

Crested geckos are unique creatures, and their skin color is so attractive that many reptile enthusiasts prefer keeping them as pets. However, sometimes we often get confused when we see something unusual happening in our pet. Some owners may also get concerned. One such event can be a change in color to your pet. Here, …

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How Do Crested Geckos Drink Water? (2022 Review)

Crested geckos are considered one of the most unique and popular pets for beginners. Due to their docile temperament and small size, caring for these little reptiles is super easy. However, it is necessary to know how do crested geckos drink water. We will also discuss how much & how often crested geckos drink water …

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Do Crested Geckos Need A Heat Lamp? or Special Lighting?

Crested geckos need Heat, and in captivity, being responsible owners, we should pay close attention to their care and requirements. In this article, I will tell you why crested geckos do not need light at night. We’ll also take a look at the answer to this fascinating question: do crested geckos need a heat lamp? …

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What Size Cage Do Crested Geckos Need? (2022 Review)

One of the first things you need to do before getting a crested gecko is setting up its enclosure first. It would help if you were ready to house a crested gecko and make them feel right at home. Their tanks should have all the things that can help in mimicking their natural environment. Plus, …

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