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Do boxers drool? ( 11 Tips To Control Excessive Drooling)

Do boxers drool? ( 11 Tips To Control Excessive Drooling)

Before adopting any kind of pet in your home, there are lots of things that you need to consider first. There are few things that can really affect your lifestyle to different degrees. it is also indirectly going to affect your family Lifestyle as well.

If you are a boxer person or planning to own one that the chances are at some point you might have to deal with some drooling. Normally, drooling is a very natural part of most dog breed digestive processes.

However, irregular drooling or excessive drooling is a bad sign that indicates a health issue or an injury that you might have not noticed yet in your dog that need to be treated. In this guide, you will learn, do boxers drool or not.

Here you are also going to know some causes and treatments for that drooling but, before we learn those causes and treatments, let’s learn, do boxers drool?

Do Boxers Drool?

Do Boxers Drool?
Do Boxers Drool?

Yes, boxers do drool a lot and can also drool due to illness or sickness. If they feel anxious then they can also drool very often. Excessive drooling can be a major sign of a serious health problem.

There are a few things that you need to learn if you want to understand if it’s normal for your boxers or not.

After knowing that boxers do drool, you might want to know how much because being a responsible dog owner, it can be very concerning. In order to learn that, you need to understand why actually your boxers will need to drool.

It is very-very-very important for the owner of every single boxer to learn why their boxers are drooling so much. Let me tell you, there can be tons of causes and treatments behind your boxers drooling.

We will discuss some causes and treatments of excessive drooling of boxers and we will also get to know some FAQ that often seems to bother most of the boxers owners.

But, as I told you, let’s begin with the first one and learn is boxers drooling normal or not?

Are Boxers Drooling Normal Or Not?

Do Boxers Drool?
Do Boxers Drool?

If you are noticing your boxers drooling then it is a clear sign that shows your dog might be waiting in anticipation of something he really likes. The anticipation for playing or eating can cause your boxers to drool.

These are far most common reasons behind the boxers drooling and let me clarify that for you, this kind of drooling is a natural part of their personality.

On the other hand, if you are noticing your boxers drooling unusually or it does not seem to be normal then this kind of drooling can be accompanied by any possible traveling or other signs of nervousness.

Apart from that, if your dog is suffering from stress then it can also cause them to drool. This kind of drooling should be stopped once you remove the stressor but if continuous then you must consult a veterinarian because there can be something definitely wrong with your buddy.

Now it’s time to learn what are the major causes of boxers of drooling.

8 Major Causes Of Boxers Excessive Drooling

As I told you, excessive drooling is also known as hypersalivation which is also a sign of illness or sickness. Being a responsible dog owner, you need to learn everything about their drooling as well as what would be the suggested treatment to tackle those drooling

Let’s start with some cause before we learn what would be suggested treatments that is going to help you out in controlling their drool.

1. Toxic Plant

In the backyard, garden, or in the lawn – your boxers can get in contact with any toxic plant and they can lick it or even eat it. It is not only going to make them sick but also going to cause them to drool.

2. Breeding

There are some breeds that can drool more than the other dog breed. The dog breeds that come with a loose upper-lips tend to drool more often than the other dog breeds that have tight lips. This is normal for this kind of breeds as they come with a very loose upper lips

3. Mouth disease And Tooth Decay

I don’t need to tell you that the tartar can easily get build up inside their mouth and can easily get rubbed with their lips which can cause some minor as well as major mouth diseases and tooth decay.

If you want to know whether your boxers is already suffering from mouth disease or tooth decay then you can pull and hold their upper lips towards their ear and look for the signs like if their teeth is looking like brownish or looking like concrete.

Noticing any kind of swollen or bleeding or redness shows that you need professional help. Plus, always consider going for a professional brushing before going for a daily home brushing schedule.

4. Organ Disease

There are some diseases like Kidney Disease or liver disease that can really Cause Your boxers to drool. As the ages, boxers are more likely to get sick because older boxers are more prone to health concerns.

So, it is very important and certain to have occasional testing done in order to eliminate any kind of health concern that might occur in the future.

5. Heatstroke

As you know dog breed that comes with a short nose like pugs, Boxers & Bulldogs are more likely to have heat stroke.

In the summer, your boxers can easily get heatstroke and due to that heatstroke, they can also drool. Heatstroke can directly cause them to drool.

They can easily catch heat stroke if they are stuck in the direct sunlight or they are not getting the proper access to freshwater.

6. Toxic Animals

Your boxers is not only going to lick but also going to eat some very toxic animals like toads, spiders, frogs, and even a Scorpion.

This kind of animal can be very toxic and harmful for your boxers and can prove to be life-threatening. It is not only going to make the dog’s sick but also going to make your dog drool.

7. Stomach Aches

You do understand that your boxers is not going to ask you or never going to think before eating anything and let me tell you, according to the recent report published by the most professional vet offices, it says that your boxers can put some strange thing in their stomach like a tennis ball or socket wrenches.

It can be really harmful to your boxers and can also cause them nausea, discomfort, and pain. If they will be in pain then the pain is going to cause them to drool.

You should always keep the dangerous items away from your boxers and try to focus on keeping your boxers in a more dog-friendly environment.

8. Upper Respiratory Infection

Sinus infection, nose infections, and throat infection are the most common infections that can cause your boxers to drool. The dogs that live in a shelter or a home are more prone to this kind of infection because they have a higher risk.

Yes, anxiety and stress can also be the factor but make sure you check for this one. If you are noticing Your boxers drooling in access then you should always visit the vet so that you can properly treat the infection and end it before it spread or do more harm. Now, it’s time to learn the treatment of boxers excessive drooling

11 Tips & Treatment Of Boxers Excessive Drooling

If you are noticing your boxers drooling when it’s not the right situation then you should always visit the vet. Your boxers might have consumed something very toxic or harmful.

There can be anything wrong with your buddy because drooling in an uncommon situation is a sign that your boxers is either suffering from health concern or he is in pain.

Some common tips, treatment, and prevention that can help you out in keeping boxers from drooling:

  1. You should always wash your hand between handling different animals or pet

  2. You must keep your boxers indoor if you want to keep them healthy.

  3. Whenever you are getting your boxers in the car, make sure you make them feel more comfortable because getting him in the car can easily make them feel discomfort. You can also try putting need in a pet harness.

  4. If you are sure that boxers is suffering from anxiety due to getting in the car and nothing seems to work because you can’t seem to get any result with any kind of remedies then your boxers might need prescription medication to find relief.

  5. Always provide your boxers fresh water and make sure that they get full access to that freshwater in the Summertime especially.

  6. Always provide your boxers with some Shady places where they can hide and cool their body off during the summertime.

  7. On a hot sunny day, they can easily get overheated. Always keep your boxers indoors if you really want to prevent them from heatstroke and try to Limit their exercises

  8. Always go for the annual checkups to diagnose and treat any kind of possible disease early. Occasional testing is mandatory for boxers.

  9. Always watch out for infection because boxers are prone to sinuses, nose, and throat infections

  10. It is recommended to always brush your boxers frequently at least three or four times a week.


Do Boxers Drool When They Are Nervous

Yes, boxers do drool when they are nervous or feeling stressed or anxious because it is a normal indication that your boxers is feeling something unusual. Sudden drooling in any kind of situation can be caused by nervousness…read more

Do Boxers Drool When They Are In Pain?

Yes, if you are noticing boxers drooling very often that it can also be a sign of pain. Pain in the mouth, in the throat, or even oral pain that is caused by General gum diseases or dental issues can make them drool. So, pain can cause the boxers to drool…read more

Do Boxers Drool When They Sleep

Yes, boxers do drool when they sleep just like you because just like humans, their muscles also relax and they don’t have that kind of control over their body… Your boxers can also drool if they are dreaming of juicy bones…read more

Final Thoughts

Excessive drooling or abnormal drooling can be very different from dog to dog breed but you can easily know by spending some time with them to understand how much drooling is normal for them.

You should always judge the best of your boxers from personality and behavior. However, if you are noticing your boxer drooling suddenly or in excess or you might have been noticed that boxers acting strangely or looking stressed from the last couple of days then contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

But fortunately, most of the time, it has been seen that drooling is a normal expression of a boxers’ body function.

Yes, I am aware of that and I understand that it can be little bit messy and can also seem to be gross to some boxers owner but it’s true fact of life with boxers. Plus, there is nothing we can do to completely stop a dog from drooling.

I hope that I managed to give you some space of information about boxers drooling and if I did a good job then do share this post because it is going to encourage me to write more about them. See you in the next post till then, take care and goodbye.