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5 Essential Things You Need For A Crested Gecko

5 Essential  Things You Need For A Crested Gecko

One of the main aspects of why people prefer adopting the Crested Gecko over other reptiles is that they are pretty easy to care for. However, they are not maintained free, making them entirely a responsibility. Having a crestie also means a long-term commitment and dedication. 

Whether you are adopting one, they are not terribly labor intensive either. To raise a Crested Gecko, you need to consider a few things. Therefore, here we will discuss five must-have items for Crested Gecko. Providing these things will give your pet everything it needs. Let’s take a look at five things you need for Crested Gecko.

5 Things You Need For A Crested Gecko

5 things you need for a crested gecko
5 things you need for a crested gecko


The first thing you need to do is select the correct size tank that is adequate and spacious enough to house a Crested Gecko. Make sure to have a tank of at least 45-55 gallons. You might be wondering why you have to go with such a large tank. Since Crested Geckos are not as big as other reptiles, they don’t require such large tanks.

When housing any pet, including a reptile-like Crested Gecko, the tank must be as large as possible to ensure the pet can move, climb, stretch its leg, and access both sides of the tank. It is not only important to choose the right-sized tank but also the right one.

When it comes to housing a Crested Gecko, it is always advised to choose a tank made up of glass. Make sure to provide a good temperature gradient inside that tank. The tank must have a more relaxed end and a basking spot to allow your Crested Gecko to regulate their body temperature. 

It is recommended to provide a warm place for basking using overhead lighting or a basking lamp. On the more excellent end, the temperature must be between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit. So, the more excellent end will allow your Crested Gecko to feel relaxed when they are overheated through basking in the warmer end.

It is essential to mimic your Crested Gecko’s natural environment inside their habitat or tank. Other than the basking area, it would help if you looked at installing some flooring at the tank’s base to provide comfort. Adding some hide is also essential for Crested Gecko’s well-being. 

When positioning the heating lamp or the basking lamp, make sure it is between 6-24 inches above the ideal spot for basking. Since they don’t need lighting 24 hours, it is best always to have a timer so you will not have to turn it off at nighttime every day. 

The type of flooring you will choose for your Crested Gecko will have a significant effect on its life longevity. Therefore it is essential to select the ones that are less likely to be swallowed or consumed by your pet. It is common for Crested Gecko to consume some ground when trying to catch an insect or its prey. Among all bedding options, I find newspaper, paper towels, and reptile carpet the safest option for all Crested Geckos.


In The Wild, Crested Geckos tend to be exposed to many predators. Thus, they also require an area to hide. Hidings must be placed inside the tank, and this is something you should never ignore. Your Crested Gecko should always have access to the space where they can hide when they’re frightened.

Sometimes, they also use hidings for sleeping purposes. Depending upon the personality, some will also consider using their hiding as an area to relax when they are stressed. You should consult and take some advice from the breeder from whom you have adopted your Crested Gecko.

Based on that advice, install some hidings in the warmer and the cooler side of your pet’s living space. This kind of equipment will give your Crested Gecko plenty of options to choose from and kill their boredom. Hide serves as an area to sleep or hide and a place for your pet to feel safe and secure whenever they like to. Wood logs and rocks are some of the hiding options that can be put inside their tank.

UVB Light

Reptiles like a Crested Gecko are known to be born in extreme conditions with high temperatures. Since they cannot regulate their body temperature and rely on the external heat source, it is essential to have a good lighting set up when housing them in a tank.

In captivity, they will need a basking area or a hotspot to keep their body temperature properly and remain constant. The temperature of the basking area must be between 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. Setting up a basking area is not a challenging task if you know what you are doing. 

Webb lightings are essential for your Crested Gecko to digest food and produce vitamin d. Without vitamin d, a Crested Gecko is unable to absorb calcium properly. UVB lamps will help you provide an enormous volume of artificial light in the tank.

Putting your Crested Gecko’s tank in the direct sunlight is never recommended as the glass tank’s wall can act as an oven. UVB lighting is also recommended over direct sunlight to keep your Crested Gecko on the necessary heat without burning the tank.

Because Crested Geckos were born in extreme conditions, they’re referred to as an ectotherm. This is an elaborate way of saying that Crested Geckos can’t regulate their body temperature like us. Therefore, they depend on the external temperature to stay warm.

For your body’s temperature to remain at the proper temperature, they require a hot spot for basking that can reach between 95°F and the temperature of 105 degrees F. Set up a basking area on the opposite side of the enclosure; however, don’t make the entire enclosure as hot as the Crested Geckos require some time for cooling down.

The second thing you’ll need to have in the Crested Geckos tank is a UVB light. One of the main distinctions between the natural habitat and yours is that you have direct sunlight. A UVB bulb can provide you with Crested Geckos with an enormous volume of artificial light.

You might be wondering why it isn’t possible to utilize sunlight to accomplish this task. It isn’t advisable to put your tank in direct sunlight since the walls function as an oven. The UVB light source will give your Crestie the necessary light without burning the tank.

Food & Water

Crested Gecko will also need food and water like any other animal living in captivity. A Crested Gecko needs proper hydration, but not all water types are suitable for them. You should avoid using tap water to fill their bowl. You should also avoid using tap water for misting purposes.

It is recommended to always go with the filtered water to fill their bowl, for bathing purposes, to mist their tank, and even to prepare their food. Water is essential for all living beings not to stay active but also to digest food properly.

It is also recommended to give a water bowl in the tank and ensure it is not placed in the hotter end. Even if your Crested Gecko doesn’t seem to like drinking water, it is always recommended to have a broad and shallow water bowl that can act like a bathtub.

If the Crested Gecko is still not drinking or bathing, providing them with food that is a good source of hydration or water will do the work. Misting also helps Crested Gecko get proper digestion. When it comes to feeding a Crested Gecko, greens should be served daily. Crested Gecko is such a reptile that needs Greens and plant matter every day to get all the necessary nutrients to thrive and grow.

Vegetables and Greens like carrots, bell peppers, green lettuce, and mustard Greens are some that are safe options. You should avoid feeding any Greens or vegetables without washing them thoroughly. Most of the vegetables and Greens found in the supermarket contain pesticides that can be harmful to your pet if consumed.

Vegetables that have been sprayed with pesticides or contain residue bacteria can be detrimental to their health. Vegetables and leafy Greens will provide a large amount of water. In addition to the leafy Greens and vegetables, look at some insects because Crested geckos are omnivorous.

Insects are a necessary part of their diet. Feeder insects will provide the essential protein needed by your pet. Always go with the ones that have guts. Always gut load all the feeder insects before serving it to a Crested Gecko. Gut loading will ensure it is nutritious for your pet.

Interesting Further Reading

When feeding live insects to your Crested Gecko, always place one at a time for a few minutes and then offer another. It will be an excellent idea to get the insects that are in a consumable size for your Crested Gecko.

Insects like dubia roaches and cricket can be served to a Crested Gecko. If you feel hesitant when feeding live insects, you can also go with the dried ones or the frozen ones. All in all, insects and Greens should be served and given to your Crested Gecko from time to time.

When it comes to supplements, it is necessary to provide calcium and vitamin d3. Calcium and Vitamin d3 are the nutrients that Crested Gecko usually lack. Therefore, dusting their food, including Greens and insects, with Vitamin d3 powder or calcium dust will work. Besides this, you can also offer multivitamins specially designed for reptiles like Crested Gecko.

Vet Visits

An occasional visit to the nearest veterinarian is a must-have without exception. A yearly visit to a specialized professional in reptile care will always keep your Crested Gecko in a safe and healthy position. Many owners disapprove of annual visits, but it is not good.

The proper care of your veterinarian should be followed as it is an integral part of being a responsible reptile owner. As Crested Geckos are resilient pets who don’t indicate health issues, sickness, or pain, the occasional visit will always keep them in check.

The Crested Gecko can also have hidden health issues that you cannot detect from the outside. Therefore, regular maintenance and yearly visits to the nearest veterinarian are necessary to never experience any problems with your pet in the future.


You have all the ideas of the necessary things and equipment needed to house a Crested Gecko in captivity. In my opinion, the list I have provided is just a table stake. All five things are the minimum requirement to house a Crested Gecko in a tank. If you follow the abovementioned guidelines, you will have a happy stone living in a comfortable and suitable home.

I hope that you will provide all the love and affection your Crested Gecko needs and deserve. After all, Crested Geckos will repay you by giving you years of enjoyment and fun. I have tried my best to provide you with all the necessary information on the things needed for a Crested Gecko. If you find this article helpful, share it with others to make them aware of anything missing in their cresties’ setup.