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94% of pet owners say their animal pal makes them smile more than once a day. In 2007, I realized that I was made for saving Animals. My father is a Vet, and I think every pet deserves one. I started this blog, "InPetCare", in 2019 with my father to enlighten a wider audience.

Turkey Molting: Signs, Stages, Reasons and More

Turkey molting refers to the natural process in which turkeys shed their old feathers and grow new ones. It is a normal and essential part of their life cycle. Here are some key points about turkey molting: By understanding the process of turkey molting and providing appropriate care and support, you can help ensure the …

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Worms in Chicken Eggs: Symptoms, Causes+ Prevention Tips

The presence of worms in chicken eggs is a concerning issue and can be caused by several factors. Here are some possible causes Worms in Chicken Eggs: 6 Common Types Of Worms In Chickens There are several common types of worms that can affect chickens. Here are six of them: Prevention and regular deworming are …

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Chicken Breathing with Its Mouth Open: 9 Reasons+Tips

Do Chickens Open Their Mouths When Stressed? Yes, chickens may open their mouths when they are stressed or experiencing discomfort. Stressors like fear, handling, unfamiliar surroundings, or sudden changes in their environment can cause chickens to exhibit open-mouth breathing as a response to stress. This behavior allows them to increase their oxygen intake and regulate …

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Duck Broken Leg: Signs, Causes and How to Fix it

A broken leg in a duck can occur due to various reasons, including accidents, falls, predator attacks, or getting caught in objects or wire. It is a serious injury that requires immediate attention and appropriate care. Here’s some information on the causes of a broken leg in ducks and how to address it: A duck …

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White Spots On Chicken Comb: Meaning, Causes And Treatment

White spots on a chicken’s comb can have various meanings and potential causes. Common Chicken Comb Problems Chickens can experience various comb problems that may indicate underlying health issues. Here are some common chicken comb problems: If you notice any abnormalities or problems with your chicken’s comb, it is important to consult a veterinarian experienced …

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7 Reasons Why A Goose Abandon Her Eggs and Nest

There are several reasons why a goose may abandon her eggs and nest. Here are some possible explanations: How Do You Save Abandoned Goose Eggs? If you come across abandoned goose eggs and want to try to save them, follow these steps: What To Do With Abandoned Goose Eggs? If you come across abandoned goose …

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Wobbly Duck Losing Balance and Falling Over: 10 Reasons and Tips

When it comes to observing ducks, witnessing them lose their balance and frequently falling over can be a cause for concern. Ducks are known for their graceful movements on land and water, so any signs of imbalance or difficulty maintaining stability raise questions about potential underlying issues. Let’s explore the phenomenon of ducks losing balance …

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Chickens Comb Turning Black: 5 Reasons and Tips

The comb of a chicken refers to the fleshy, protruding structure on top of its head. It is typically vibrant and red in color, but if you notice a chicken’s comb turning black, it can be a sign of an underlying issue. Here are some possible reasons for a chicken’s comb turning black and preventive …

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Do Chickens Vomit and Throw Up? 7 Reasons and 5 Tips

Chickens can experience digestive issues that may result in abnormal droppings or other symptoms. Here are some common changes in droppings that chicken owners may observe and their potential causes: Chicken Dropping and Vomit Colors Comparison Table Chickens have a unique digestive system that does not involve regurgitation or stomach acid. However, I have provide …

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Why is My Chicken Eye Closed: 10+ Reasons and Tips

When it comes to the intriguing world of chickens, one particular aspect that piques curiosity is the phenomenon of a closed eye. While chickens are known for their distinctive appearance and behaviors, observing a chicken with its eye closed raises questions about the reasons behind this seemingly unusual occurrence. Chickens, like many other animals, possess …

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