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Are Rabbits Good For Allergy Sufferers?

Are Rabbits Good For Allergy Sufferers?

It’s natural for people who love animals looking to adopt a pet to cuddle, love, and play with. However, before one adopts a pet, one should consider various factors. One such factor is allergies. You should find out whether you have pet allergies or not before adopting one. Adopting any pet, including a rabbit, is a long-term commitment. 

Therefore, in this article, we will talk about whether rabbits are suitable for allergy sufferers. Many families, couples & adults without kids look to adopt pets, but one or many of the family members suffering from allergies can make getting one seem impossible. 

This is why we have extensive research to gather all the information around the question: are rabbits suitable for allergy sufferers?

Are Rabbits Good For Allergy Sufferers?

are rabbits good for allergy sufferers
are rabbits good for allergy sufferers

In short, rabbits are unsuitable for allergy sufferers because their Saliva contains an allergenic protein that can trigger any allergy. Apart from this, their urine also has some chemicals responsible for causing allergies in people with an over-sensitive immune system. 

Unfortunately, all kinds of warm-blooded animals, including rabbits & all pets, produce a protein responsible for causing allergic reactions in people. In most cases, dog and cat breeds tend to be the main culprit for people with allergies. 

Therefore finding a Hypoallergenic pet or a rabbit can become more and more complicated than picking one of those popular/expensive breeds. Do you know that cats tend to be more allergenic than dogs because they often groom themselves throughout the day? The same habit can be seen in rabbits. Rabbits often lick their bodies to groom themselves throughout the day. Plus, you can also be allergic to your pet’s feed. Therefore, You should also opt for the best rabbit hay for allergies.

This leaves their saliva allergenic protein spread all over their fur and skin. These airborne allergens spread throughout the air and surrounding environment, which causes allergies. Small animals and rodents are considered less allergenic but not entirely hypoallergenic. Here, you can learn about rabbit allergy symptoms.

Many breeds of rabbits shed less and cause a less allergic reaction to people. But no rabbit breed is entirely allergen-free. Here, we have extensively researched the type of Hypoallergenic rabbit breed. 

3 Types of Pets For People with Allergies 

3 types of pets for people with allergies
3 types of pets for people with allergies

If you still want a friend to cuddle, love, and play with, then here are three types of pets you can have with a few precautions.

Mini Rex Rabbit 

Mini Rex rabbits are the least shedding rabbit among all breeds. Keeping their grooming in shape will do the work of keeping their allergens at a minimum. You can play with mini Rex rabbits the way you would a cat for the most part. Here, you can learn about all 5 hypoallergenic rabbit breeds that you can adopt depending upon your allergy severity.

Adding to this, rex rabbits are relatively easy to care for. It always comes down to what you are allergic to and how you are most at risk of exposure to those substances. In the case of mini rex rabbits, some primary care, cleaning, and maintenance practices will help you keep allergen exposure to a minimum.

If you choose to get a pet Mini Rex rabbit, you must be vigilant with maintenance and cleaning routines, which will help you keep the allergies at bay. Not only for you but cleaning & Maintainance is mandatory for your rabbit too. Rabbit. Otherwise, sneezing, runny nose, and running Eyes which are also collectively known as Rabbit snuffles can be caused.

Mini Rex rabbits are not completely allergen free, but they are less allergic to some degree than other breeds. The reality is that Mini Rex rabbits are more petite and prefer living in a contained space. This makes them easy to handle pets for allergy sufferers.

Hairless Guinea Pig

All Guinea Pigs are not hypoallergenic; some hairless or thin hair breeds carry fewer allergens. Their hair won’t be an issue, whether short or long, in terms of allergens. All the Guinea Pigs will release protein into their skin cells, urine, and other bodily fluids, which you should avoid to get contact with.

However, if we compare other pets in terms of being Hypoallergenic, the Hairless Guinea Pig seems to be making our list. Hairless Guinea Pigs are relatively easy to care for and a safe bet for most people with allergies.

Even though some Guinea pigs are sold as hairless, all of them have hair called peach fuzz; but lack fur. Therefore, the hairless Guinea Pig is a safe bet and a cute pet for people with allergies.


If the above two pets are still too allergic for you, then you can also consider a smaller rodent-like gerbil as a pet. The gerbil will be an excellent choice because these small mammals do not produce allergens like dander. Yet, they are relatively easy to care for.

You have to be careful while handling them. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly using soap. The only allergens you need to avoid are the dust from gerbil litter or the sawdust in the bottom of their cage. These couple of things can contribute to airborne allergens.

Otherwise, you are making a safe bet on gerbil if you are allergic to animals. It is necessary to have a good cleaner with the Hepa of filtration. With this cleaner and good vacuum cleaning, you will be ok living with a gerbil. If you follow all these guidelines, you will be completely safe and allergy free while keeping a pet like a gerbil.



If you have asthma, I recommend you avoid adopting any pet because it may only worsen the problem. However, if you have an over-sensitive immune system, you can adopt some pets, including rabbits but with precautions.

As long as you do your proper research before adopting a pet and gather all the necessary equipment, including air purifiers, and cages, It’s natural for people who love animals looking to adopt a pet to cuddle, love, and play with. However, before one adopts a pet, one should consider various factors.

One such factor is allergies. You should find out whether you have pet allergies or not before adopting one. Adopting any pet, including a rabbit, is a long-term commitment. 

Therefore, this article will discuss whether rabbits are suitable for allergy sufferers or not. Many families, couples & adults without kids look to adopt pets, but one or many of the family members suffering from allergies can make getting one seem impossible. 

This is why we have extensive research to gather all the information around the question: are rabbits suitable for allergy sufferers?

Are Rabbits Good For Allergy Sufferers?

In short, rabbits are unsuitable for allergy sufferers because their Saliva contains an allergenic protein that can trigger any allergy. Apart from this, their urine also has some chemicals responsible for causing allergies in people with an over-sensitive immune system. 

Unfortunately, all kinds of warm-blooded animals, including rabbits & all pets, produce a protein responsible for causing allergic reactions in people. In most cases, dog and cat breeds tend to be the main culprit for people with allergies. 

Therefore finding a Hypoallergenic pet or a rabbit can become more and more complicated than picking one of those popular/expensive breeds. Do you know that cats tend to be more allergenic than dogs because they often groom themselves throughout the day? The same habit can be seen in rabbits. Rabbits often lick their bodies to groom themselves throughout the day. 

This leaves their saliva allergenic protein spread all over their fur and skin. These airborne allergens spread throughout the air and surrounding environment, which causes allergies. Small animals and rodents are considered less allergenic but not entirely hypoallergenic. 

Many breeds of rabbits shed less and cause fewer allergic reactions to people. But no rabbit breed is entirely allergen-free. Here, we have extensively researched the type of Hypoallergenic rabbit breed. 

3 Types of Pets For People with Allergies 

If you still want a friend to cuddle, love, and play with, then here are three types of pets you can have with a few precautions.

Mini Rex Rabbit 

Mini Rex rabbits are the least shedding rabbit among all breeds. Keeping their grooming in shape will do the work of keeping their allergens at a minimum. You can play with mini Rex rabbits the way you would a cat for the most part.

Adding to this, rex rabbits are relatively easy to care for. It always comes down to what you are allergic to and how you are most at risk of exposure to those substances. In the case of mini rex rabbits, some primary care, cleaning, and maintenance practices will help you keep allergen exposure to a minimum.

If you choose to get a pet Mini Rex rabbit, you must be vigilant with maintenance and cleaning routines, which will help you keep the allergies at bay. Mini Rex rabbits are not completely allergen free, but they are less allergic to some degree than other breeds.

The reality is that Mini Rex rabbits are more petite and prefer living in a contained space. This makes them easy to handle pets for allergy sufferers.

Hairless Guinea Pig

All Guinea Pigs are not hypoallergenic; some hairless or thin hair breeds carry fewer allergens. Their hair won’t be an issue, whether short or long, in terms of allergens. All the Guinea Pigs will release protein into their skin cells, urine, and other bodily fluids, which you should avoid to get contact with.

However, if we compare other pets in terms of being Hypoallergenic, the Hairless Guinea Pig seems to be making our list. Hairless Guinea Pigs are relatively easy to care for and a safe bet for most people with allergies.

Even though some Guinea pigs are sold as hairless, all of them have hair called peach fuzz; but lack fur. Therefore, the hairless Guinea Pig is a safe bet and a cute pet for people with allergies.


If the above two pets are still too allergic for you, then you can also consider a smaller rodent like a gerbil as a pet. The gerbil will be an excellent choice because these small mammals do not produce allergens like dander. Yet, they are relatively easy to care for.

You have to be careful while handling them. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly using soap. The only allergens you need to avoid are the dust from gerbil litter or the sawdust in the bottom of their cage. These couple of things can contribute to airborne allergens.

Otherwise, you are making a safe bet on gerbil if you are allergic to animals. It is necessary to have a good cleaner with the Hepa of filtration. With this cleaner and good vacuum cleaning, you will be ok living with gerbils. If you follow all these guidelines, you will be completely safe and allergy free while keeping a pet like a gerbil.



If you have asthma, I recommend you adopt any pet because it may wrongly worsen the problem; however, if you have an over-sensitive immune system, you can adopt some pets, including rabbits but with precautions.

As long as you do your proper research before adopting a pet and gather all the necessary equipment, including an air purifier cage, It’s natural for people who love animals looking to adopt a pet to cuddle, love, and play with. However, before one adopts a pet, one should consider various factors.

One such factor is allergies. You should find out whether you have pet allergies or not before adopting one. Adopting any pet, including a rabbit, is a long-term commitment.